The Little Egg Harbor Branch will close at 11:30AM on Saturday, 5/4/2024, for maintenance

Discover Assistive Communication Technology at Ocean County Library Brick Branch

March 28, 2023

BRICK TOWNSHIP – People with disabilities, their families, teachers, and employers can benefit greatly from advances in assistive technology. Learn about augmented and alternative communication devices at the Ocean County Library Brick Branch, 6:30 PM Monday, April 17.

Kate Flaxman, MS CCC-SLP, Augmentative Communication Specialist for Advancing Opportunities (AO) will provide extensive details about the uses of assistive technology and augmented and alternative communication devices.

She will also offer information about AO’s technology lending library, which helps individuals identify effective technology for their goals, and also offers instructions for implementation.  A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation.

Advancing Opportunities, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is recognized as one of the leading disability service providers in New Jersey, offering solutions to foster independent living.

The presentation is part of OCL’s Milestones in Neurodiversity & Literacy to Grow program, providing literacy-based services for the neurodiverse community, from birth to age five, through a Library Services and Technology Act 2022 (LSTA) grant administered by the New Jersey State Library, an affiliate of Thomas Edison State University.

LSTA 22 funds are awarded to library projects that address literacy needs including, but not limited to, early literacy, family literacy, adult literacy, digital literacy, and financial and English language learning activities. Awarded projects are designed to provide training or other literacy-focused support or activities for adults and/or children.

Funding for LSTA 22 grants is made possible by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, with the purpose of addressing literacy needs and supporting literacy projects across the state.

Please register at www.theoceancountylibaryorg/events to attend this free program. For more information, visit the Brick Branch, 301 Chambers Bridge Road, or call (732) 477-4513.

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