The Little Egg Harbor Branch will close at 11:30AM on Saturday, 5/4/2024, for maintenance
  • Unmasking Autism: Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity

    By Devon Price (616.85882 Pric)

    An exploration of the Autistic experience, including “masked Autism.” This book encourages individuals to unmask themselves, while educating society on neurodiversity.

  • We're Not Broken: Changing the Autism Conversation

    By Eric Garcia (B Garc, CD B Garc, eBook)

    Explores myths surrounding Autism, including vaccines, and common portrayals of Autistic people in media and television. At the end of the day, Autism is a part of one’s identity, and it doesn’t need to be fixed.

  • The Kiss Quotient

    By Helen Hoang (Fic Hoan, Q Hoan, eBook, eAudiobook)

    Stella Lane loves math. She uses it every day to predict customer purchases—a job that pays well. But money isn’t everything, and she is essentially poor in love. Her Asperger’s makes it near impossible to date, especially since she can’t stand French kissing. She decides she needs practice and hires Michael Phan, an escort, who gives her a crash course.

  • The Bride Test

    By Helen Hoang (Fic Hoan, Q Hoan, eBook, eAudiobook)

    Khai Diep has Autism. He’s convinced he can’t experience true emotions, like love. He thinks he’s broken, but his family knows he’s just different. To find him a perfect match, his mother returns to Vietnam where she finds Esme Tran, a girl who takes the opportunity to come to America and meet her potential husband. But Khai doesn’t make things easy—Esme finds herself in love with a man who fears he can never love her in return.

  • I Have Been Buried Under Years of Dust: A Memoir of Autism and Hope

    By Valerie Gilpeer & Emily Grodin (B Grod)

    “I have been buried under years of dust” were the first words Emily Grodin ever wrote. Nonverbal Autism left Emily communicating through one-word responses and physical gestures for years. With this miraculous breakthrough, Emily is able to provide insight into the life of a person with Autism.

  • The Pattern Seekers: How Autism Drives Human Invention

    By Simon Baren-Cohen (616.85882 Baro)

    The author sets out to answer two questions: Why are humans so inventive, and why does Autism exist? Baron-Cohen believes that understanding Autism is the key to understanding both ancient and modern human creativity.

  • Obsessive, Intrusive, Magical Thinking

    By Marianne Eloise (616.85227 Eloi)

    Explores the connection between neurodiversity, obsession, and disorder from the perspective of writer and journalist, Marianne Eloise, who was born obsessive. She struggles daily with fixations on certain topics, violent thoughts, and looping phrases. Her story offers a glimpse into not only her own brain, but others like her.

  • What to Say Next: Successful Communication in Work, Life, and Love with Autism Spectrum Disorder

    By Sarah and Larry Nannery (616.85882 Nann)

    Sarah Nannery lives with Autism. Together, she and her husband offer this guide to communicating with people on the spectrum.

  • Little Victories: Autism Through a Father's Eyes

    By Yvon Roy (616.85882 Roy)

    A visual exploration from the perspective of a parent learning to adapt to his son’s Autism.

  • Fall Down 7 Times Get Up 8: A Young Man's Voice From the Silence of Autism

    By Naoki Higashida (616.85882 Higa, eBook, eAudiobook)

    Naoki Higashida shares his experiences as an adult man living with severe Autism.