Ocean County Library Jackson Branch to Present Concert, Discussion by Kaleigh Brendle

July 29, 2022

JACKSON – Kaleigh Brendle, the partially-sighted New Jersey collegian and ardent visual-impairment rights advocate, will speak about her experiences and perform her own music at the Ocean County Library Jackson Branch, 2:30 PM Saturday, August 13.

The Villanova student and Howell High School alumnus will recount her struggle with the College Board over conditions under which blind and deafblind students were given advanced-placement tests during the height of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Her complaint alleged that the Board’s virtual test format failed to address tactile Braille tests and graphs that she and other students requested. It led to Board policy changes and ongoing consultations with the National Federation of the Blind.

The experience led to feature articles in leading print and digital publications including The Asbury Park Press, Bold Blind Beauty and Villanova Magazine, and the National Federation of the Blind website.

Kaleigh will perform original selections from her album Karma and songs by other popular artists. Individual tracks from Karma are posted on YouTube.

Additionally, Kaleigh will discuss her role as Director of Sing for Serenity, the international online choir that she founded, at age 14, for blind and visually-impaired singers.

Registration at www.theoceancountylibrary.org/events is required for this free program. For more information, visit the Jackson Branch, 2 Jackson Drive, or call (732) 928-4400.

Keep up with Library programs and events at www.theoceancountylibrary.org, and on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Spotify, and Pinterest.

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