Ocean County Library Announces Free Virtual Health Management Workshops

January 20, 2021

TOMS RIVER – The Ocean County Library is partnering with the Ocean County Office of Senior Services and Meals on Wheels in free, interactive virtual health management workshops for individuals aged 60 and up who cope with diabetes or chronic ailments.

The six-week “Take Control of Your Health” program begins in February on Zoom. Registration is ongoing and is open to patients, family members and caregivers.

One series will be devoted exclusively to diabetes. Another will concern high blood pressure, heart or lung disease, depression, arthritis, and other chronic conditions. Each includes activities to support problem-solving, decision-making, and action planning.

Chronic illness workshop enrollees can learn how to manage pain, sleeplessness, fatigue, fear, anger, and frustration, how to build a healthful diet and exercise plan, how to communicate with health providers and family members, and how to set and reach goals.

Diabetes workshop participants can learn how to lower A1C levels, monitor blood sugar and stress levels, and avoid complications.

The workshops will be conducted by certified peer leaders who have completed 40 hours of training in the program developed by Stanford University, coordinated by Louanne Kane MA, NCC. Participants will each receive a relaxation-oriented compact disc and a reference book.

Funding is provided through a grant administered by the Ocean County Office of Senior Services under Title III-D of the Older Americans Act and Meals on Wheels. To learn more, email lkane534@comcast.net or visit www.theoceancountylibrary/events.

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